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'All American Division'

  • There Are Hundreds of Secret Underground WWII Bases Hidden in British Forests Built to fight a Nazi invasion, they remained unknown for decades. By Sarah Laskow November 30, 2016.
  • World War II Timeline Allied Powers and Leaders Axis Powers and Leaders Causes of WW2 War in Europe War in the Pacific After the War Battles: Battle of Britain Battle of the Atlantic Pearl Harbor Battle of Stalingrad D-Day (Invasion of Normandy) Battle of the Bulge Battle of Berlin Battle of Midway Battle of Guadalcanal Battle of Iwo Jima.
  • This map plots the locations of and chronologically orders the 131 significant World War II battles and campaigns in the Pacific theater from 1941-1945.
  • Welcome to the Great Awakening. In the fall of 2017, posts began appearing on anonymous online forums which have since become “the biggest 'inside' 'approved' information dump in American history,” giving we, the people unprecedented insight into a far-reaching shadow war between patriots (within and outside of the government and military) and an evil international cabal intent on.

The division insignia consists of the letters 'AA' inscribed in white on a blue circle, which in turn is superimposed on a bright red square background. The 82d Infantry Division in World War I was comprised of soldiers from every state in the Union and therefore, the nickname 'All American' was adopted and 'AA' was included in the insignia. When in 1942 the 82d was reactivated and made airborne, the word 'Airborne', in white letters, was placed on a crescent-shaped blue background, and added to the top of the insignia.

World War II Sites in Europe London, United Kingdom. Did you know that the popular “Keep Calm and Carry On” posters actually originate from the London Blitz during World War II, when the slogan was plastered all over the London Underground in order to urge passengers to keep calm and carry on with their business.

[page 278]


Commanding General

9 December 1943Maj. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway
27 August 1944Brig . Gen. James M. Gavin
18 October 1944Maj. Gen. James M. Gavin

Assistant Division Commander

9 December 1943-26 August 1944Brig. Gen. James M. Gavin
26 August 1943-13 December 1944VACANT
13 December 1944Col. Ira P. Swift
20 March 1945Brig. Gen. Ira P. Swift

Artillery Commander

9 December 1943Col. Francis A. March
9 February 1944Brig. Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor
22 February 1944Col. Francis A. March
8 May 1944Col. Lemuel Mathewson
22 May 1944Col. Francis A. March
16 November 1944Brig. Gen. Francis A. March

Chief of Staff

9 December 1943Col. Ralph P. Eaton
28 August 1944Lt. Col. Robert H. Wienecke
29 August 1944Col. Robert H. Wienecke

Assistant Chief of Staff G-1

9 December 1943Lt. Col. Frederick M. Schillhammer [i.e., Schellhammer]
28 August 1944Maj. Alfred W. Ireland
6 November 1944Lt. Col. Alfred W. Ireland

Assistant Chief of Staff G-2

9 December 1943Lt. Col. Jack Whitefield [i.e., Whitfield Jack]
28 August 1944Lt. Col. Walter F. Winston

Assistant Chief of Staff G-3

9 December 1943Lt. Col. Paul L. Turner, Jr.
17 February 1944Lt. Col. Robert H. Wienecke
28 August 1944Maj. John Norton
26 August 1944Lt. Col. John Norton

Assistant Chief of Staff G-4

9 December 1943Lt. Col. Robert H. Wienecke
17 February 1944Maj. Bennie Zinn
1 June 1944Lt. Col. Bennie Zinn
7 June 1944Lt. Col. Frank W. Moorman (Acting)
17 June 1944Lt. Col. Frank W. Moorman
28 August 1944Maj. Albert G. Marin
11 November 1944Lt. Col. Albert G. Marin

Assistant Chief of Staff G-5

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22 May 1944Capt. Peter Shouvaloff
13 December 1944Capt. Arthur W. Seward
12 February 1945Maj. Arthur W. Seward

Adjutant General

9 December 1943Maj. Raymond M. Britton
1 February 1944Lt. Col. Raymond M. Britton
23 February 1945Maj. Maurice E. Stuart

Commanding Officer, 504th Parachute Infantry

23 April 1944 [Date rejoined division from Italy]Col. Reuben H. Tucker

Commanding Officer, 505th Parachute Infantry

9 December 1943Lt. Col. Herbert F. Batchellor
22 March 1944Lt. Col. William E. Ekman
22 July 1944Col. William E. Ekman

Commanding Officer, 325th Glider Infantry

9 December 1943Col. Harry L. Lewis
22 August 1944Lt. Col. Charles Billingslea
29 October 1944Col. Charles Billingslea

[pages 279-280 (Adjutant General and regiments)]



Activated25 March 1942
Arrived ETO from Italy9 December 1943
Arrived Continent (D Day)6 June 1944
Entered Combat6 June 1944 [prior combat in NATOUSA]
Days in Combat194

Casualties (Tentative) [These items were not filled in]

Battle Casualties
Non-Battle Casualties
Total Casualties
Percent of T/O Strength


  • Normandy
  • Ardennes
  • Rhineland
  • Central Europe

Individual Awards

Distinguished Service Cross41
Legion of Merit24
Silver Star759
Soldiers Medal41
Bronze Star1,873
Air Medal15

Prisoners of War Taken 157,835


  • 325th Glider Infantry
  • 504th Parachute Infantry
  • 505th Parachute Infantry
  • 307th Airborne Engineer Battalion
  • 80th Airborne Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion
  • 307th Airborne Medical Company
  • *82d Parachute Maintenance Battalion
  • 82d Airborne Division Artillery
  • 319th Glider Field Artillery Battalion
  • 320th Glider Field Artillery Battalion
  • 376th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion
  • 456th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion
  • Special Troops [Activated 1 Mar 45; units previously directly under division.]
  • 782d Airborne Ordnance Company
  • 407th Quartermaster Company
  • 82d Airborne Signal Company
  • Military Police Platoon
  • Headquarters Company
  • *Reconnaissance Platoon
  • *Band

* Assigned in 1 Mar 45 reorganization.

# Disbanded 1 Mar 45.

[page 281]


Antiaircraft Artillery

Btry C, 563d AAA AW Bn (Mbl)24 Dec 44-26 Dec 44
634th AAA AW Bn (Mbl)6 Feb 45-19 Feb 45
580th AAA AW Bn (Mbl)28 Apr 45-30 Apr 45
445th AAA AW Bn (Mbl)1 May 45


Co C, 746th Tk Bn4 Jun 44-10 Jun 44
Co A, 746th Tk Bn13 Jun 44-16 Jun 44
Br 2d Irish Guards (Br Guards Armd Div)16 Sep 4-23 Oct 44
Br Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry19 Sep 44-20 Sep 44
Br 1st Coldstream Guards (Br Guards Armd Div)19 Sep 44-22 Sep 44
2 sqdns, Br 2d Irish Guards (Br Guards Armd Div)23 Oct 44-10 Nov 44
Cdn 27th Armd Regt10 Nov 44-12 Nov 44
14th Tk Bn (9th Armd Div)23 Dec 44-24 Dec 44
740th Tk Bn30 Dec 44-11 Jan 45
740th Tk Bn27 Jan 45-7 Feb 45
Co B, 774th Tk Bn9 Feb 45-19 Feb 45
Br 4th Bn Royal Tank Regt (Br 79th Armd Div)29 Apr 45-30 Apr 45
Co A, 740th Tk Bn30 Apr 45-1 May 45
Co C, 740th Tk Bn30 Apr 45-1 May 45
Br 4th Bn Royal Tank Regt (Br 79th Armd Div)2 May 45-3 May 45
CC B (7th Armd Div)7 May 45-4 May 45 [sic]


Tr B, 4th Cav Rcn Sq10 Jun 44-19 Jun 44
1 sq Br Royals20 Sep 44-22 Sep 44
32d Cav Rcn Sq28 Jan 45-31 Jan 45
1 plat, Co F, 32d Cav Rcn Sq2 Feb 45-6 Feb 45


Co B, 87th Cml Mort Bn16 Jun 44-18 Jun 44
Co B, 86th Cml Mort Bn25 Dec 44-11 Jan 45
Co A, 87th Cml Mort Bn26 Jan 45-31 Jan 45
Co C, 90th Cml Mort Bn13 Feb 45-19 Feb 45
1 sect, 74th Cml SG Co5 Apr 45-22 Apr 45
89th Cml Mort Bn30 Apr 45-1 May 45


596th Engr Co2 Jan 45-11 Jan 45
596th Engr Co3 Feb 45-5 Feb 45
596th Engr Co8 Feb 45-9 Feb 45
1130th Engr C Gp26 Apr 45
Co C, 12th Engr C Bn (8th Div)1 May 45

Field Artillery

456th FA Bn8 Jun 44-10 Jun 44
87th FA Bn14 Jun 44-17 Jun 44
188th FA Bn (155mm How)14 Jun 44-19 Jun 44
456th FA Bn15 Jun 44-17 Jun 44
87th Armd FA Bn16 Jun 44-19 Jun 44
254th FA Bn (155mm How)21 Dec 44-11 Jan 45
591st FA Bn (106th Div) (105mm How)29 Dec 44-9 Jan 45
460th Prcht FA Bn2 Jan 45-11 Jan 45
275th FA Bn6 Jan 45-11 Jan 45
460th Prcht FA Bn24 Jan 45-
254th FA Bn (155mm How)26 Jan 45-19 Feb 45
400th Armd FA Bn (105mm How)26 Jan 45-19 Feb 45
460th Prcht FA Bn3 Feb 45-5 Feb 45
460th Prcht FA Bn8 Feb 45-9 Feb 45
987th FA Bn (- Btrys A & C) (155mm Gun)15 Feb 45-19 Feb 45
417th FA Gp5 Apr 45-27 Apr 45
672d FA Bn (155mm How)5 Apr 45-14 Apr 45
805th FA Bn (155mm How)5 Apr 45-17 Apr 45
746th FA Bn (8' How)5 Apr 45-27 Apr 45
546th FA Bn (155mm Gun)10 Apr 45-17 Apr 45
790th FA Bn (8' How)12 Apr 45-15 Apr 45
541st FA Bn (155mm Gun)13 Apr 45-17 Apr 45
942d FA Bn (155mm How)19 Apr 45-24 Apr 45
74th FA Bn (105mm How)19 Apr 45-27 Apr 45
661st FA Bn (8' How)19 Apr 45-27 Apr 45
541st FA Bn (155mm Gun)20 Apr 45-27 Apr 45
294th FA Obsn Bn26 Apr 45
43d FA Bn (8th Div) (105mm How)28 Apr 45-1 May 45
36th FA Bn (8th Div) (105mm How)30 Apr 45-1 May 45
280th FA Bn (105mm How)30 Apr 45-7 May 45
Hq & Hq Btry, 205th FA Bn2 May 45-7 May 45
207th FA Bn (8' How)2 May 45-7 May 45
768th FA Bn (155mm How)2 May 45-7 May 45


508th Prcht Inf (Non-Div)14 Jun 44-21 Jun 44
507th Prcht Inf (Non-Div)14 Jun 44-1 Mar 45 (reorganization date when became organic element of 17th Abn Div)
2d Bn, 401st Gli Inf (101st Abn Div)6 Jun 44-1 Mar 45
Br 5th Coldstream Guards (Br Guards Armd Div)19 Sep 44-22 Sep 44
502d Prcht Inf (101st Abn Div)4 Oct 44-5 Oct 44
3d Bn, 112th Inf (28th Div)23 Dec 44-25 Dec 45
5551st Prcht Inf Bn (Non-Div)26 Dec 44-13 Jan 45
517th Prcht Inf (Non-Div)1 Jan 45-11 Jan 45
551st Prcht Inf Bn (Non-Div)21 Jan 45-27 Jan 45
508th Prcht Inf (Non-Div)23 Jan 45-still attached 9 May 45
517th Prcht Inf (- 2d Bn) (Non-Div)23 Jan 45-26 Jan 45
517th Prcht Inf (- 3d Bn) (Non-Div)3 Feb 45-5 Feb 45
517th Prcht Inf (- 3d Bn) (Non-Div)9 Feb 45-10 Feb 45
341st Inf (86th Div)5 Apr 45
3d Co, Belg 22d Fusilliers Bn22 Apr 45-27 Apr 45
13th Inf (8th Div)29 Apr 45-1 May 45
121st Inf (8th Div)30 Apr 45-1 May 45

Tank Destroyer

Co C, 899th TD Bn (SP)16 Jun 44-18 Jun 44
Co B, 703d TD Bn (SP)21 Dec 44-2 Jan 45
Co C, 703d TD Bn (SP)26 Dec 44-2 Jan 45
628th TD Bn (T)2 Jan 45-11 Jan 45
643d TD Bn (SP)4 Jan 45-5 Jan 45
Co B, 643d TD Bn (SP)7 Jan 45-11 Jan 45
Co C, 643d TD Bn (SP)21 Jan 45-28 Jan 45
Co A, 643d TD Bn (SP)25 Jan 45-2 Feb 45
Co B, 643d TD Bn (SP)27 Jan 45-2 Feb 45
629th TD Bn (SP)1 Feb 45-19 Feb 45
2 plats, 893d TD Bn (SP)9 Feb 45-11 Feb 45
12th TD Gp19 Apr 45-25 Apr 45
605th TD Bn (T)29 Apr 45-30 Apr 45
Co A, 644th TD Bn (SP)30 Apr 45-1 May 45
605th TD Bn (T)2 May 45-7 May 45
Co A, 644th TD Bn (SP)7 May 45-9 May 45

[pages 282-284]


(Attached to)


Co B, 80th Abn AA Bn7th Armd Div21 Jan 45-23 Jan 45
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Field Artillery

319th Gli FA Bn7th Armd Div21 Jan 45-23 Jan 45


2d Bn, 505th Prcht InfBr Guards Armd Div19 Sep 44-
504th Prcht Inf75th Div1 Jan 45-3 Jan 45

[page 284]


9 Dec 43FirstETOUSA
14 Jan 44XV(-)
19 Feb 44VIIIFirst
25 Feb 44VIIIFirst
13 Mar 44VIIIFirst(-)
6 Jun 44VIIFirst
19 Jun 44VIIIFirst
13 Jul 44(-)(-)Ninth
12 Aug 44XVIII AbnFirst Allied Abn
17 Sep 44Br I AbnFirst Allied AbnBr 21st
9 Oct 44Br XXXFirst Allied AbnBr SecondBr 21st
9 Nov 44Cdn IIFirst Allied AbnCdn FirstBr 21st
13 Nov 44Cdn IIFirst Allied AbnBr 21st
17 Dec 44VIIIFirst Allied AbnFirstBr 21st
18 Dec 44VFirst Allied AbnFirst12th
19 Dec 44XVIII AbnFirst Allied AbnFirst12th
20 Dec 44XVIII AbnFirst Allied AbnFirstBr 21st
18 Jan 45XVIII AbnFirst Allied AbnFirst(-)
14 Feb 45IIIFirst Allied Abn12th
19 Feb 45(-)First Allied Abn(-)
31 Mar 45XXIIFirst Allied AbnFifteenth12th
30 Apr 45XVIII AbnFirst Allied AbnNinthBr 21st

(-) Indicates relieved from assignment.

[pages 285-286]

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9 Dec 43Castle DawsonNorthern Ireland
14 Feb 44Leicester (Braunstone Park)LeicestershireEngland
6 Jun 44Ste-Mere-Eglise (vic)MancheFrance
13 Jul 44Leicester (Braunstone Park)LeicestershireEngland
17 Sep 44Nijmegen (vic S)GelderlandNetherlands
1 Dec 44SissoneAisneFrance
18 Dec 44WerbomontLiegeBelgium
19 Dec 44HabiemontLiegeBelgium
21 Dec 44LierneuxLiegeBelgium
22 Dec 44BraLiegeBelgium
24 Dec 44HabiemontLiegeBelgium
1 Jan 45ChevronLiegeBelgium
3 Jan 45BassebodeuxLiegeBelgium
5 Jan 45AbrefontaineLiegeBelgium
12 Jan 45NonceveuxLiegeBelgium
26 Jan 45HunnageLiegeBelgium
28 Jan 45MedellLiegeBelgium
29 Jan 45WerethLiegeBelgium
30 Jan 45HolzheimLiegeBelgium
5 Feb 45StavelotLuxembourgBelgium
8 Feb 45RottRhinelandGermany
10 Feb 45HurtgenRhinelandGermany
18 Feb 45RottRhinelandGermany
19 Feb 45SissoneAisneFrance
2 Apr 45WeidenRhinelandGermany
27 Apr 45HohenzethenHannoverGermany
29 Apr 45BleckedeHannoverGermany
1 May 45NeuhausHannoverGermany
3 May 45LudwigslustMecklenburgGermany

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[pages 287 (thru 8Feb45)-288]