Occasional Eye Twitch

Occasional Eye Twitch 10,0/10 4770 votes

Eyelid twitching may be triggered by: Alcohol intake Bright light Caffeine excess Fatigue Irritation of the eye surface or inner eyelids Smoking Stress Wind or air pollution. Muscle twitching (painless), Shaking hands or tremor and Weakness. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms muscle twitching (painless), shaking hands or tremor and weakness including Benign essential tremor, Parkinson disease, and Hypocalcemia.

Inside This Article

Eye twitching is an involuntary movement of the eyelid and is mostly harmless.


It’s often referred to as an eye muscle spasm or eyelid twitch. Many times these spasms happen in stressful situations or when someone has gone too long without enough rest.

The term blepharospasm applies to any abnormal blinking or involuntary twitching of the eyelids. It’s caused by uncontrolled contractions of the muscles around the eyelids (dystonia).

Why Does My Eye Twitch?

Eye twitching is commonly caused by:

  • Stress
  • Irritation of the Cornea or Conjunctiva
  • Fatigue / Lack of sleep
  • Prolonged staring at a computer screen or television causing eye strain
  • Excessive caffeine intake (e.g., coffee, tea, caffeinated sodas)
  • Alcohol
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Dry eyes

The exact causes of eye twitching are unknown, but it is believed to be related to an abnormal function of certain nerves located at the base of the brain. These areas control the coordination of muscle movements.

Sometimes symptoms of dry-eye occur right before or along with an eyelid twitch. Some research indicates that dry eyes are a trigger for blepharospasm. Eye twitching can run in families, or it can be caused by the side effects of certain medications, such as those used to treat Parkinson’s disease.

As always, we recommend that you consult your doctor to find the real cause of your eye twitch.

Eye twitching is also associated with abnormal function of the part of the brain that handles controlling the muscles. Some scientists believe it may contribute to diseases such as Parkinson’s.

In rare cases, heredity can also play a role in the development of this condition.

Generally, people with eye twitches have normal eyes. In fact, it’s the problems with their vision is from the forced closure of the eyelids. Do not confuse blepharospasm with ptosis, or drooping of the eyelids. Those problems are due to a weakness or paralysis of the muscle in the upper eyelid.

Eye Twitching Symptoms

Some people experience twitching underneath the eye. Others experience it in the upper eyelid. Eye twitching can bother the right or left eye, and it may be associated with dry eyes, Tourette’s syndrome, or various neurological problems.

Symptoms of eye twitching may include:

Occasional Eye Twitching

  • Difficulty keeping eyes open; may last for several hours
  • Uncontrolled winking, blinking,or squinting that may come and go periodically throughout the day and occurs more frequently during the day than at night
  • Sensitivity to light (photophobia)
  • Blurry vision; duration varies from person to person depending on the severity of the disorder

Minor eye twitches usually do not worsen. If they do worsen or persist, it is important to seek the advice of an eye-care professional.

Eyelid spasms usually start with abnormal or excessive blinking accompanied by general eye irritation. Early on, excessive blinking may only be a result of exposure to bright lights, fatigue, or stress.

The frequency of the eyelid spasms may increase throughout the day. Sometimes the eye spasm may resolve during sleep and not occur again until you have been awake for many hours. As it worsens, the spasms tend to get stronger. It may even result in the eyelids being shut for a few hours at a time, making it impossible to see.

Spasms that cause eyelid twitching on one side of the face are also known as a hemifacial spasm. These are typically due to irritation of the facial nerve. This type of spasm warrants a visit to your family doctor. They may refer you to a neurologist in order to determine the cause of your spasm and which treatment might be appropriate.

Diagnosing the Cause of Eye Twitching — Do I Need A Doctor?

If you are experiencing a twitching eyelid, it may be best to contact your eye doctor for a proper diagnosis and possible treatment. During your initial visit, your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms.

He or she will want to know how often the twitch occurs and how long it lasts. Plus, other medical information about you and your family. After the discussion, he or she will give you a complete eye examination. Typically this is all that is needed to diagnose the problem. Once you’re diagnosed, a treatment plan will be created and executed.

Contact your primary care physician, eye care professional, or neurologist if:

  • Twitching lasts more than one week
  • Twitching completely closes eyelid and prevents normal vision
  • Twitching spreads to other parts of your face
  • You experience redness, swelling, and discharge from your eye
  • The upper eyelid is drooping

How to Treat an Eye Twitch

There are three basic approaches to the treatment of eye twitching: sleep, reduced stress, drug therapy, surgery, and supportive or preventative therapy. Drug therapy is a somewhat unpredictable type of treatment that does not always produce long-lasting results.

Some drugs work for some people and not for others. Arriving at a satisfactory treatment regimen takes a great deal of patience and requires the direct supervision of a neurologist.

Before embarking upon a surgical treatment, some doctors will suggest a trial of injection of a neuromodulator such as botulinum. Such treatments are quite safe and effective. Tiny injections of purified protein get placed into the muscle above or below the eye. This will block the nerve impulses that trigger eyelid twitching.

Neuromodulator injections are a simple, quick, minimally invasive treatment that can deliver dramatic results for patients suffering from blepharospasm. If neither drugs nor injections are successful, then surgery may be considered.

In general, the benefits of neuromodulator injections begin to appear within two weeks of treatment and last an average of three to four months. Ninety percent of people who undergo neuromodulator injections obtain complete relief, but most people need to repeat treatment every two to three months.

In general, the approach to the treatment varies with its severity. Preventative measures are important. Since stress causes almost all muscle problems to worsen, including blepharospasm, it is important to minimize and avoid stress.

You could try exploring stress-management therapy through various types options such as support meetings or occupational therapy. Any of these methods of developing and improving coping mechanisms can be beneficial.

Mild vs Severe Eye Twitching

A mild case of a twitching eyelid will usually go away on its own. To stop eye twitching symptoms, cut down on stress and get plenty of rest. Decrease caffeine intake by drinking less coffee, tea, or caffeinated soda. Drinking a lot of water should help. Tonic water in particular acts as a nerve-blocker. You can also try holistic methods such as breathing techniques, meditation, yoga, or counseling to help reduce stress.

Medication may help, depending on the situation. When medications are used it is usually to relax muscles. Keep in mind that some medications work better than others. Examples of medications that may work best include:

  • Valium
  • Cogentin
  • Parlodel
  • Symmetrel
  • Lioresal
  • Tegretol
  • Artane
  • Klonapin

Neuromodulator injections can sometimes help. Surgery is a last resort, and should be only for:

  • The most severe cases
  • For patients who do not respond to medications
  • For patients who do not respond to non-surgical methods of treatment

This is due to a high rate of complications involving damage to the nerves that control eyelid movement during surgery.

Important info about nutritional supplements

Nutritional supplements may also have a role in the treatment of eye twitching if you’re not receiving the proper nutrients from your diet. There are currently not any good, controlled studies to support this form of treatment. But there is some evidence that they may work.

The chart below lists nutritional supplements that may benefit someone who is suffering from eyelid twitching. Please consult with your eye care professional before trying any of the following:

Supplement Directions for UseComments
CalciumTake 1,000 mg per dayGood for nerve function
Folic AcidTake 400 mcg per dayGood for proper nerve-cell production
PhosphorusTake 800 mg per dayGood for proper nerve-cell growth
PotassiumTake 2,500 mg per dayRebalances the nerves
Vitamin B complexTake 100 mg per dayGood for stress
Vitamin B5Take 100 mg per dayImproves the body’s resistance to stress
Vitamin C with bioflavonoidsTake 500 mg every three hours, up to four times per dayAn antioxidant; should be in powdered buffered ascorbic acid form

Eye Twitching — Preventive Measures You Should Take

There are several things you can do to reduce the twitching in your eye each day. In most cases, eye twitching is stress or emotional tension. . In general, preventive measures can include:

  • Stress management: keep stress under control
  • Get plenty of sleep to keep eye muscles rested
  • When engaged in vision-intensive activities such as computer work, take frequent breaks to give your eyes a rest
  • Limiting caffeine intake
  • Relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation

Complications of Eye Twitching

Occasional Eye Twitch

Complications of eye twitching are very unusual, but may include:

  • Side effects from Neuromodulator treatment: drooping eyelids, blurred vision, double vision, excessive tearing
  • Side effects or complications of surgery
  • Injury to the cornea (rare)
  • Permanent eye damage (rare)

Talking to Your Eye Doctor

Occasional eye twitch

Here are some questions to ask your eye-care professional about having an eyelid twitch:

  • What is causing my eye twitching?
  • What can I do to prevent it?
  • How often do you treat patients with this problem?
  • Are Neuromodulator injections effective?
  • How long will my appointment take? Will I need to rest for the remainder of the day or can I return to school/work?
  • What additional symptoms may appear? If any do, how long should I wait to contact you again?
  • How often should I schedule follow-up visits?
OccasionalOccasional eye twitch

Occasional Eye Twitching

Sources and References:
We have strict guidelines for each of our sources and references. We rely upon vision, eye and medical information from peer-reviewed studies, medical associations and academic research institions.

What Would Make Your Eye Twitch

  • J. Anshel, MD. “Smart Medicine for Your Eyes- A Guide to Natural, Effective, and Safe Relief of Common Eye Disorders” (SquareOne Publishers, 2011) 166-168 MDConsult. Blepharospasm. https://www.mdconsult.com/das/patient/body/240457726-3/1154240764/10068/10327.html F.A. Davis. “Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary” Edition 21 (F.A. Davis Company, 2009) 279
  • MDConsult. Blepharospasm. https://www.mdconsult.com/das/patient/body/240457726-3/1154240764/10068/10327.html
  • F.A. Davis. 'Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary' Edition 21 (F.A. Davis Company, 2009) 279