Ocasio Cortez Elected

Ocasio Cortez Elected 7,8/10 3917 votes
Ocasio Cortez ElectedElected

To review, apparently, she passed the eyeball test of New York, Justice Democrats doing a talent search in some of New York's districts, including the Fourteenth. These J.D.s, judging that the older, seated Crowley was not communist enough, sought to primary him with a new, vibrant, expressive face. Ocasio-Cortez won 'most talented.' It's obvious that her non-white, female phenotype that couches everything in terms of race and immigration, sex, socialism, and cow flatulence was just the ticket for them, the thing that they wanted in the House of Representatives.


Primary elections are an afterthought for most eligible voters, and in the Ocasio-Cortez win last June, only 13 percent of eligible voters in the 14th Congressional District bothered to vote. Out of about 215,000 active, registered Democrats in the district, a little fewer than 28,000 voted, with Ocasio-Cortez winning by about 4,000 votes. Because New York is overwhelmingly Democrat, a Republican has little chance in the much bigger general election turnout, so Ocasio-Cortez became the Trojan horse subterfuge to be slipped through the primary and into Congress by virtue of eyeball appeal and her eagerness to express all manner of follies with the seriousness of a heart attack. Ocasio-Cortez, in regard to her social justice cohorts: 'for one to make it, a hundred have to try.' See again for more of the same.

Ocasio Cortez Elected

Ocasio-Cortez is who she has shown herself to be — 'a tool,' and representative of many like her — and I feel sorry for her delusion. I choose to believe she has some God-given gifts that could be well used should she become aware of them. But how ironic that, being a non-white woman, of a group so championed by her party, she has been and is being exploited to attract the masses she herself is from, those who thought she would be a savior and who are so ignorantly lured in by the siren song of 'social justice.' The irony here of the juxtaposition of 'justice' and 'communist' should not be missed.

This is really all about the political left behind the point of the spear — who, as Thomas Sowell, noted, 'never understand that if a government is given the power to create 'social justice,' it has the power to create despotism. Millions of people around the world have paid with their lives for overlooking this fact.'

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wins against Joe Crowley in Democrat congressional primary - YouTube Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Puerto-Rican American socialist, causes a major upset in New York after. Ocasio-Cortez, 30, was first elected in 2018 after beating 10-term incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley by double digits in a stunning upset that rocked the Democratic Party establishment.

Ocasio-Cortez and her democratic socialist 'warriors' on the front lines certainly don't know or understand this.

Image: Dimitri Rodriguez via Flickr.

Alexandria ocasio cortez 2020

When Was Alexandria Ocasio-cortez Elected

The decision got immediate pushback from Ocasio-Cortez and other progressive congressmembers, with Ocasio-Cortez saying she'd support a House hearing on the matter. This is unacceptable. We now need to know more about @RobinhoodApp’s decision to block retail investors from purchasing stock while hedge funds are freely able to trade the stock. Ocasio-Cortez will win reelection to New York's 14th Congressional District against two challengers, Republican John C. Cummings and Michelle Caruso-Cabrera of the Serve America Movement party, CNN.