M Quotes James Bond

M Quotes James Bond 5,6/10 6616 votes
As part of our look back at James Bond, ahead of the SPECTRE release, Susan Omand revisits the villains...

M: Are you sure? James Bond: It’s gone. Give me a minute. Bond goes over to Ronson and looks at the his chest wound M: They must have it. Bond tries to stop the bleeding by applying pressure to the wound James Bond: I’m stabilizing Ronson. M: We don’t have the time! James Bond: I have to stop the bleeding. Bond, James Bond - Top Ten James Bond Villain Quotes There have been many great arch villains in the books and films of Ian Fleming's James Bond. From Blofed, to Scaramanga, to Jaws to Goldfinger they were all memorable characters.

There have been many great arch villains in the books and films of Ian Fleming's James Bond. From Blofed, to Scaramanga, to Jaws to Goldfinger they were all memorable characters. Even more memorable though were some of the lines they came out with. Here is my personal top ten quotes from the James Bond Villains in best pop-picker reverse order. I'm sure I have missed some utterly obvious ones though. Let me know in the comments!
10 - Oddjob

This makes the top 10 quote list because it is the only line uttered by Oddjob, the bowler hat flinging henchman of Auric Goldfinger.
.... so that's where Alan Partridge got it from (this may not be true).
9 - Dr No
From the first of the Bond villains to appear on film, Dr No himself comes the (not very prophetic) line
“Unfortunately I misjudged you, Mr. Bond. You are just a stupid policeman whose luck has run out.”
8 - Blofeld

Ernst Stavro Blofeld appeared in seven of the Bond films and is one of the best sources of...ummm.... unusual quotes. For example, in On Her Majesty's Secret Service we get
“I’ve taught you to love chickens, to love their flesh, their voice.”
What the cluck?
7 - Renard
From the ridiculous to the sublime and Victor Zokas aka Renard in The World is not Enough with his wonderfully chilling quote
'You can’t kill me. I’m already dead.” Bond james bond quote movie

6 - Elliot Carver

Who remembers the baddie Elliot Carver... no, thought not. From Tomorrow Never Dies, the film in 1997 came the gem

M Quotes James Bond Skyfall

'The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.”
I never did decide which to work towards.
5 - Max Zorin
On the subject of genius (and/or insanity) we also get this pearl of wisdom from Max Zorin in A View to a Kill
“Intuitive improvisation is the secret of genius'

4 - Mr Wint and Mr Kidd

A two for one at number four with the wonderfully weird Mr Wint and Mr Kidd in Diamonds are Forever and their astute observationsM Quotes James Bond
“Curious… how everyone who touches those diamonds seems to die.”
3 - Blofeld (again)
Top three and the wonderfully villainous Ernst Stavro Blofeld again in From Russia with Love, although we never actually see his face, just his cat, having watched one of his own minions convulse and die from poison,
'Twelve seconds. One of these days we must invent a faster-working venom.'
Don't you hate it when that happens?
2 - Hugo Drax

There are so many Hugo Drax memorable quotes in the film Moonraker, it is difficult to choose just one. So I went for Hugo Drax, on learning Bond is aboard the space station, turning to Chang and says
'Look after Mr. Bond. See that some harm comes to him.'
1 - Auric Goldfinger
Of course this one has to go to Auric Goldfinger in the 1964 film. James Bond is strapped to a table with a red laser inching ever closer to him. Bond says: 'You expect me to talk?' to which Goldfinger responds with the immortal line...
'No, Mr Bond, I expect you to die.'
Images - IMDb/MGM/Bondwikia

Title Moonraker
Year 1979
Director Lewis Gilbert
Genre Sci-Fi, Crime, Thriller, Adventure, Action
Interpreted by
Plot – The jumbo which is carrying a Shuttle to Great Britain mysteriously explodes. M, the head of the British secret service, suspects everything has been planned by Hugo Drax, so he sends James Bond to investigate. 007 is welcomed by pilot Corinne Dufour and obtains from her some important information, but the girl is devoured by Drax's dogs. Bond then travels to Venice where he discovers the criminal is creating a terrible deadly gas. In Rio de Janeiro 007 is attacked by Shark, a giant with a metal denture, but here he's supported by Holly Goodhead, a smart and beautiful CIA agent. Together they discover Drax's real secret base is among South America forests, where the criminal is working to eliminate humanity. Bond and Holly destroy it and US forces intervene.

Top 10 James Bond Quotes

All actors – Roger Moore, Lois Chiles, Michael Lonsdale, Richard Kiel, Corinne Cléry, Bernard Lee, Geoffrey Keen, Desmond Llewelyn, Lois Maxwell, Toshirô Suga, Emily Bolton, Blanche Ravalec, Irka Bochenko, Mike Marshall, Leila Shenna, Anne Lonnberg, Jean-Pierre Castaldi, Walter Gotell, Douglas Lambert, Arthur Howard, Alfie Bass, Brian Keith, George Birt, Kim Fortune, Lizzie Warville, Johnny Traber's Troupe, Nicholas Arbez, Guy Di Rigo, Chris Dillinger, Claude Carliez, Georges Beller, Denis Seurat, Chichinou Kaeppler, Christina Hui, Françoise Gayat, Nicaise Jean Louis, Catherine Serre, Béatrice Libert, Ken Adam, Jean-Louis Airola, S. Newton Anderson, Jenny Arasse, Michel Berreur, Daniel Breton, Albert R. Broccoli, Dana Broccoli, George Lane Cooper, Jack Cooper, Guy Delorme, Eddie Eddon, Benoît Ferreux, Patrick Floersheim, Terry Forrestal, David Gabison, Lewis Gilbert, Richard Graydon, Rika Hofmann, Peter Howitt, Dominique Hulin, W.C. 'Chunky' Huse, Carlos Kurt, Melinda Maxwell, Marc Mazza, Alexandra Middendorf, Patrick Morin, Ralph Morse, Daniel Perche, Jacques Pisias, Jean Rupert, Marc Smith, John Sullivan, Victor Tourjansky, Jean Tournier, Nikki Van der Zyl, Herma Vos, Malcolm Weaver, Paul Weston, Michael G. Wilson

Great James Bond Quotes

show allThe name is bond james bond quote

Daniel Craig James Bond Quotes

  • “Dr. Goodhead, your desire to become America's first woman in space will shortly be fulfilled.”
    - Hugo Drax
  • “- James Bond: Do you come with the suite?
    - Manuela: It depends who's renting it. Vodka Martini? Shaken, not stirred.”

    Sir Roger Moore - James Bond
    - Manuela
  • “Mr. Bond, you defy all my attempts to plan an amusing death for you.”
    - Hugo Drax
  • “- Holly Goodhead: Have you broken something?
    - James Bond: Only my tailor's heart.”
    - Holly Goodhead
    Sir Roger Moore - James Bond
  • “Frederick Gray! What a surprise. And in distinguished company, all wearing gas masks. You must excuse me, gentlemen, not being English, I sometimes find your sense of humor rather difficult to follow!”
    - Hugo Drax
  • “- James Bond: Why the orchids?
    - Hugo Drax: The curse of a civilization. It was neither war nor pestilence that wiped out the race who built the great city lying around us. It was their reverence for this lovely flower. Because long-term exposure to its pollen caused sterility.”

    Sir Roger Moore - James Bond
    - Hugo Drax
  • “- Hugo Drax: You have arrived at a propitious moment, coincident with your country's one indisputable contribution to Western Civilization: Afternoon tea. May I press you to a cucumber sandwich?
    - James Bond: Thank you, no, nothing at all.”

    - Hugo Drax
    Sir Roger Moore - James Bond
  • “- Holly Goodhead: Hang on, James!
    - James Bond: The thought had occurred to me.”
    - Holly Goodhead
    Sir Roger Moore - James Bond
  • “- James Bond: Where did you learn to fight like that? NASA?
    - Holly Goodhead: No. Vassar.”

    Sir Roger Moore - James Bond
    - Holly Goodhead
  • “First there was the dream, now there is reality.” - Hugo Drax
  • “- James Bond: What was that for?
    - Holly Goodhead: For saving my life.
    - James Bond: Remind me to do it more often!”
    Sir Roger Moore - James Bond
    - Holly Goodhead
  • “- Hugo Drax: Despite your efforts, my finely wrought dream approaches its fulfillment.
    - James Bond: Your dream, whatever sort of nightmare it is, hasn't a chance, Drax.
    - Hugo Drax: You think not? We shall see.”

    - Hugo Drax
    Sir Roger Moore - James Bond
  • “- Manuela: They have a warehouse on Carioca Avenue.
    - James Bond: I'd like to pay it a discreet visit tonight.
    - Manuela: Tonight? I think you may find that a little difficult.
    - James Bond: Difficult or not, it's something we have to do. And meanwhile, how do you kill five hours in Rio - if you don't Samba?”

    - Manuela
    Sir Roger Moore - James Bond
  • “- Miss Moneypenny: Why James, you look like you've just fallen off a mountain.
    - James Bond: Funny you should say that, Moneypenny, actually I was in a cable car. It doesn't matter.”

    - Miss Moneypenny
    Sir Roger Moore - James Bond
  • “Even in death, my magnificence is boundless. When this rocket lifts off, I shall be leaving you in your own private crematorium. Mr. Bond, Dr. Goodhead, I bid you - farewell.”
    - Hugo Drax
  • “- Holly Goodhead: This evening I'm giving my address.
    - James Bond: Then can you think of a reason why we can't go for a drink afterwards?
    - Holly Goodhead: Not immediately. But I'm sure I shall.”

    - Holly Goodhead
    Sir Roger Moore - James Bond
  • “- Sir Frederick Gray: My God, what's Bond doing?
    - Q: I think he's attempting re-entry, sir.”

    - Sir Frederick Gray
    Desmond Llewelyn - Q
  • “- Holly Goodhead: I still don't know if I trust you.
    - James Bond: I don't know if I trust you either. That's what makes it more exciting, doesn't it?”

    - Holly Goodhead
    Sir Roger Moore - James Bond
  • “- James Bond: My name is Bond, James Bond. I'm looking for Dr. Goodhead.
    - Holly Goodhead: You just found her.”

    Sir Roger Moore - James Bond
    - Holly Goodhead
  • “- Col. Scott: We'll be in touch. Sorry to have awoken you.
    - General Gogol: I was already awake. How can I sleep? Nothing but problems. Problems, problems.”
    - Col. Scott
    - General Gogol
  • “- Holly Goodhead: James?
    - James Bond: I think it may be time to go home.
    - Holly Goodhead: Take me 'round the world one more time.
    - James Bond: Why not?”

    - Holly Goodhead
    Sir Roger Moore - James Bond
  • “- Hugo Drax: You're not a sportsman, Mr. Bond. Why did you break off the encounter with my pet python?
    - James Bond: I discovered he had a crush on me.”

    - Hugo Drax
    Sir Roger Moore - James Bond
  • “- Holly Goodhead: Where's Drax?
    - James Bond: He had to fly.”
    - Holly Goodhead
    Sir Roger Moore - James Bond
  • “James Bond. You appear with the tedious inevitability of an unloved season.”
    - Hugo Drax
  • “Those same seeds now yield death. Not, of course, to animals or plant life. One must preserve the balance of nature.” - Hugo Drax